How to use asdocx One Table from Multiple Univariate Analyses

In epidemiology research, it’s common to report odds ratios or risk-ratios and their p-values from logistic regression or other regression models. The asdocx package provides two templates, reg1 and reg2, to facilitate this process.

The reg1 template is designed to build tables with much-needed flexibility. It prepares a standard regression table that typically includes odds ratios or risk-ratios along with their corresponding p-values. The table is structured with one dependent variable and multiple independent variables. The template is free and is installed automatically when you install the asdocx package.

On the other hand, the reg2 template serves a slightly different purpose. While it also creates a similar table, the key distinction lies in the treatment of variables. In the reg2 template, one independent variable is regressed individually on the multiple dependent variables, meaning the analysis is univariate. Despite this, the reg2 template compiles all the results into a single comprehensive table, providing a clear and concise overview of the univariate analyses conducted across various factors. This makes it a valuable tool for researchers conducting univariate analysis in epidemiology.


asdocx reg indepvar depvars, title(text) dec(#) dect(#) template(reg2) reg_options 

Syntax Details

The syntax starts with the keywords asdocx. The word reg can be any Stata command for regressions such reg for ols, logistic for logistic regressions, etc. After the regression command, you should input the treatment variable (independent), followed by a list of dependent variables. So, the syntax may appear counter-intuitive compared to the typical Stata syntax (depvar followed by indepvars). However, it aligns with the syntax of the table1 template, which you can refer to on this page.

Option template(reg2)  invokes the reg1 template.

title(text) : Used to specify the table title.

dec(#) : To set decimal points for odd-ratios or other estimates, except the p-values. If left empty, three decimal points will be reported.

dect(#) : To set decimal points of the p-values. If this option is not specified, its values is set equal to dec().

reg_options : All other regression options such robust, etc.

asdocx survey weightsAn Example

* Load example dataset
use, clear

* Make regression table using the template(reg2) option
asdocx logistic i.Robotic death returnor1 /// 
cdarrest1 cdmi1 cnscva1, vce(cl new_ID) label ///
template(reg2) replace btp

In the above example, i.Robotic is the independent variable, and all other variables are dependent. After the comma, the template(reg2) option instructs asdocx to use the reg2 template. vce(cl new_ID) is the logistic regression option. The aforementioned code generates a table that resembles the following structure.

Table: Regression Results
Variable OR [95% CI] P-value
30 day mortality 0.314 (0.133, 0.741) 0.008
Returnor 0.951 (0.613, 1.475) 0.821
Cardiac arrest 0.249 (0.053, 1.177) 0.079
MI 0.530 (0.231, 1.213) 0.133
Stroke/CVA 1.000 (0.249, 4.022) 1.000

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