Stress test: Template(table1) – SVY with Factor Variables

* Load Example Data  
webuse nhanes2b, clear

1. CELL percentages

* Use diabetes as a treatment variables
* To get similar results in Stata, we have to use race as a first variable
* This is reversed in asdocx

svy: tabulate race  diabetes , obs
          |       Diabetes status       
     Race | Not diab  Diabetic     Total
    White |     .851     .0281     .8791
          |     8659       404      9063
    Black |    .0899     .0056     .0955
          |     1000        86      1086
    Other |    .0248   5.2e-04     .0253
          |      191         9       200
    Total |    .9658     .0342         1
          |     9850       499   1.0e+04

Key: Cell proportion */

* Since asdocx uses the treatment variable as the first one, therefore, change
* the order of the variables

asdocx svy: tabulate diabetes i.race,  template(table1) cell

  1 |Variables   Not diabetic (n=9850) Diabetic (n = 499)  Total (10349)  P-value 
  2 |Race                                                                   0.00* 
  3 | White              8659 (85.10%)      404 (2.81%)    9063 (87.91%)              
  4 | Black               1000 (8.99%)       86 (0.56%)     1086 (9.55%)              
  5 | Other                191 (2.48%)        9 (0.05%)      200 (2.53%)              
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

 2. ROW percentages

svy: tabulate race diabetes , row obs

          |       Diabetes status       
     Race | Not diab  Diabetic     Total
    White |     .968      .032         1
          |     8659       404      9063
    Black |     .941      .059         1
          |     1000        86      1086
    Other |    .9797     .0203         1
          |      191         9       200
    Total |    .9658     .0342         1
          |     9850       499   1.0e+04
Key: Row proportion
     Number of observations

    Uncorrected   chi2(2)         =   21.3483
    Design-based  F(1.52, 47.26)  =   15.0056     P = 0.0000


asdocx svy: tabulate diabetes i.race,  template(table1) row

  1 |Variables  Not diabetic (n=9850) Diabetic (n = 499)  Total (10349)   P-value 
  2 |Race                                                                   0.00* 
  3 | White              8659 (96.80%)      404 (3.20%)    9063 (87.91%)              
  4 | Black              1000 (94.10%)       86 (5.90%)     1086 (9.55%)              
  5 | Other               191 (97.97%)        9 (2.03%)      200 (2.53%)              

3. COL percentages

svy: tabulate race diabetes , col obs

          |       Diabetes status       
     Race | Not diab  Diabetic     Total
    White |    .8812     .8203     .8791
          |     8659       404      9063
    Black |    .0931     .1647     .0955
          |     1000        86      1086
    Other |    .0257     .0151     .0253
          |      191         9       200
    Total |        1         1         1
          |     9850       499   1.0e+04
Key: Column proportion
     Number of observations

    Uncorrected   chi2(2)         =   21.3483
    Design-based  F(1.52, 47.26)  =   15.0056     P = 0.0000 */

asdocx svy: tabulate diabetes i.race,  template(table1) col

  1 |Variables Not diabetic (n=9850) Diabetic (n = 499)  Total (10349)      P-value 
  2 |Race                                                                    0.00* 
  3 | White              8659 (88.12%)     404 (82.03%)    9063 (87.91%)              
  4 | Black               1000 (9.31%)      86 (16.47%)     1086 (9.55%)              
  5 | Other                191 (2.57%)        9 (1.51%)      200 (2.53%)              