Template Files
The asdocx’s templates / add-ins are program files that are written with the ado extension, just like any other Stata program. These templates can be extremely useful in creating a custom output table, especially when the table is a standard requirement in your field of research. In this tutorial, I am going to develop a template for reporting regression results in a format that is frequently used in the epidemiology research. Following is the complete code of the template, which I shall explain in details. The code can be downloaded from here.
*! Custom Regression table for Epidemiologists
*! Version 1.3: March 14, 2021: by Attaullah Shah
1 program define asdocx_reg1
3 //gettoken command 0 : 0
4 syntax anything [if] [in], [title(str) notes(str) modifytype(str) ///
5 dect(str) dec(str) btp *]
8 if "$modifytype" == "replace" {
9 cap rm $active_flexmat_file
10 loc location 1
11 }
12 else {
13 flexmat showmat , filename($active_flexmat_file) qui getlocinfo
14 if "$flexmat_current_loc" == "" {
15 loc location 1
16 }
17 else loc location = $flexmat_current_loc + 1
18 }
20 flexmat addrow, data(Variable, OR [95% CI], P-value) ///
21 row(`ThisRow') filename($active_flexmat_file) location(`location') qui
22 loc ThisRow = 2
23 `anything' `if' `in', `options'
25 //loc dec 2
26 loc depvar `e(depvar)'
27 loc N `e(N)'
28 matrix table = r(table)
29 local varnames : colfullnames table
30 loc nvars : word count `varnames'
32 loc c = 1
34 foreach v of local varnames {
36 loc hzratio : dis %9.`dec'f = table[1, `c']
37 loc ll : dis %9.`dec'f = table[5,`c']
38 loc ul : dis %9.`dec'f = table[6,`c']
39 loc pvalue : dis %9.`dec'f = table[4,`c']
41 loc hzratio `hzratio' [`ll'\comma `ul']
43 forv i = 1 / 6 {
44 loc hzratio = subinstr("`hzratio'", "[ ", "[", .)
45 }
47 if "`btp'" != "" {
48 loc hzratio = subinstr("`hzratio'", "[", "\openpar", .)
49 loc hzratio = subinstr("`hzratio'", "]", "\closepar", .)
51 }
53 loc v = subinstr("`v'", "`e(depvar)':", "", .)
55 if strmatch("`v'", "*b.*") {
56 loc hzratio
57 loc pvalue
58 }
59 mata: st_local("varLabel", getlable("`v'"))
60 loc varLabel = subinstr("`varLabel'", ",", "\comma", .)
61 loc varLabel = subinstr("`varLabel'", "_cons", "Constant", .)
62 if ("`varLabel'" == "Constant" & "${drop}" == "constant") continue
64 else {
65 flexmat addrow, data("`varLabel'", `hzratio', `pvalue' ) qui ///
66 row(`ThisRow') filename($active_flexmat_file) ///
67 location(`location')
69 loc `++ThisRow'
70 loc `++c'
72 }
73 }
74 flexmat addrow, data(Observations, , `N' ) qui ///
75 row(`ThisRow') filename($active_flexmat_file) location(`location')
77 if "`title'" == "" loc title Table: Regression Results - `depvar'
78 if "`notes'" == "" loc notes "Notes:"
80 mata {
81 flexmat_fmtmat = J(2,2,"")
82 flexmat_fmtmat[1,1] = "title"
83 flexmat_fmtmat[1,2] = "`title'"
84 flexmat_fmtmat[2,1] = "notes"
85 flexmat_fmtmat[2,2] = "`notes'"
86 }
87 flexmat fmtmat, file("$active_flexmat_file") loc(`location') hide
89 glob drop
90 end
A Short note on the flexmat program
The template file uses the flexmat program, that is part of the asdocx package. If you have not already studied flexmat program, believe me it is a good investment of time to study it [Quick Start can be found here]. flexmat is a powerful tool that creates Tables in the Mata language. It is extremely flexible in a sense that you can add cells, columns, and rows to an existing or new tables at any location of the table. It hardly throws any error of matrix compatibility. Once it creates a table, then asdocx converts that table to Word, Excel or LaTeX format.
The use of global macros in the template file
The template files uses two global macro. These are discussed below.
$active_flexmat_file : This macro contains the flexmat file name that is currently in use. When asdocx creates a matrix of output in the Mata format, then flexmat stores that output to a file, which is then further processed in by the asdocx’s output routines (i.e. Word, Excel, LaTeX). In the template file, we get the file name through this macro and write output from the template file to this file name.
$flexmat_current_loc : This macro contains the location information where the current output will be stored. If you have already read the flexmat documentation, you shall recall that flexmat stores the output matrices, table titles, and notes in locations that are numbered. Actually, we do not have to worry about the location numbers, as flexmat takes care of these on its own. We just have to supply the location number using this macro.
A walk through the template file
Line 1: program define asdocx_reg1 : The template file starts with program definition statement. All template files must start with the prefix asdocx_ and must have a unique template file name. In this template, we have given the name reg1. When we shall use this template, we shall invoke the template with the asdocx option of template(reg1). Each template must have a name that is not previously used. The template name must be without spaces, however, it can contain alpha-numeric characters.
Line 8-18: Replace / append : These lines of code takes care of the replace / append options of asdocx. If a user uses the replace option, the macro $modifytype will contain the text replace, otherwise it will contain the text append. In case of replace, any previous files with a similar name as specified in the option save() will be deleted and the flexmat save location will be reset to 1. However, in the case of append, flexmat will find a next location to append the output from this template to the existing output.
Line 20-21: flexmat addrow : From line 15, we start using the flexmat program. In line 15, we use the addrow sub-command to add the title row of the table. In the title row of the table, we write Variable , OR [95% CI], P-value using the data() option. The output table cells are separated by the use of comma i.e. “,”. If you have noticed, we did not specify the row number column number while writing this text to the flexmat table. The reason is that if we do not specify row and column numbers, the default is to use row(1) and col(1). Since we are writing three cells to the flexmat table, the starting point is row = 1 and col = 1, so in total three cells of the first row will contain the text Variable , OR [95% CI], P-value as shown in the following snapshot.

Line 22: loc ThisRow 2 : On line 22, we define a local macro to contain the row number. The macro name is ThisRow
. Since we wrote the column titles in row 1, se set ThisRow
equal to 2 so that regression results are written from row 2 and onwards. As we move on, the row number will be incremented by value of one with the code loc ++ThisRow'
as shown on line number 69.
Line 19: `0′ : In line 19, execute the complete code that was passed on to the asdocx program. Since this template is for regression output, the code is likely to contain regression code, dependent and independent variables and some options. The macro `0'
contains everything that the user typed, excluding the keyword asdocx. Running this code, we not only get the results on the Stata screen, but also macros and matrices that are left behind the Stata regression commands. We can then get these useful bits of information to construct our own customized table.
Line 28: matrix table = r(table) : To get the regression results stored in the r(table) and write them to matrix table
Line 29: local varnames : colfullnames table : To get variable names
Line 30: local nvars : word count `varnames’ : To count number of variables / entries in the regression table
Line 32: local c = 1 : Macro c is used for column number, initially setting it equal to 1
Line 34: foreach v of local varnames { : This line marks the start of the foreach loop. The subsequent code in lines 30-57 loops over each variable in the regression.
Line 36-39: These lines get the regression coefficients from the matrix table that we obtained in line 28. Specifically:
Line 36: loc hzratio : dis %9.`dec’f = table[1, `c’] : gets the regression coefficients from the matrix table and sets the decimal points to macro dec
that is 2
Line 37: loc ll : dis %9.`dec’f = table[5,`c’]’ : gets the lower limit of the 95% confidence interval
Line 38: loc ul : dis %9.`dec’f = table[6,`c’]’ : gets the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval
Line 39: loc pvalue: dis %9.`dec’f = table[4,`c’]’ : gets the p-value of the given coefficient
Line 41: loc hzratio `hzratio’ [`ll’\comma `ul’] : combine the three coefficients in one macro. \comma
will put a comma between the lower and upper confidence interval values. Since the character comma ,
, opening parenthesis (
and closing parenthesis )
are used a parsing character in flexmat, therefore, they are entered as \comma
, \openpar
, and \closepar
, respectively.
Line 43-45: loc hzratio = subinstr(“`hzratio'”, “[ “, “[“, .) Remove spaces after [
Line 47-51: If option btp
is used, then brackets are converted to parentheses.
Line 53-58: Process the variable names for better display.
Line 59-61: Replace variable names with variable labels. getlable
is a Mata function and is part of the asdocx package.
Line 62: If option drop(constant)
is used, the template will not write the constant of the regression.
Line 65-67: Now that we have collected all the required information from the estimated regression, we can add rows for each variable using flexmat
. The row contains variable label, coefficient, lower and upper confidence intervals, and p-values. Please note that these lines are part of the foreach loop (line 34 ) that runs over the regression variables. Therefore, flexmat addrow, … line is repeated for each variable.
Line 74-75: Add observations to the regression table.
Line 80-87: Add table title and notes.
Here you can find examples of how this template is used with asdocx.