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  • Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    I have added xtmlogit to asdocx in its latest update. You can update and try it. Here is an example

    webuse estatus
     xtset id
     asdocx xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno i.bwinner , label abb(.) 
    Random-effects multinomial logistic regression
    estatus Coef. St.Err. t-value p-value [95% Co Interval] Sig
    Children <18 years old in household : base No 0 . . . . .
    Yes 0.463 0.096 4.81 0 0.274 0.652 ***
    Age (in years) -0.005 0.007 -0.73 0.468 -0.018 0.008
    Annual household income (in $1,000s) -0.005 0.002 -2.55 0.011 -0.008 -0.001 **
    Significant other living in household : base No 0 . . . . .
    Yes 0.497 0.095 5.25 0 0.311 0.682 ***
    Primary/sole breadwinner in household : base No 0 . . . . .
    Yes -0.474 0.073 -6.51 0 -0.617 -0.331 ***
    Constant -0.479 0.285 -1.68 0.092 -1.036 0.079 *
    Children <18 years old in household : base No 0 . . . . .
    Yes -0.04 0.12 -0.34 0.737 -0.275 0.194
    Age (in years) 0.004 0.008 0.52 0.602 -0.012 0.02
    Annual household income (in $1,000s) -0.031 0.003 -11.63 0 -0.036 -0.026 ***
    Significant other living in household : base No 0 . . . . .
    Yes 0.097 0.119 0.81 0.417 -0.137 0.331
    Primary/sole breadwinner in household : base No 0 . . . . .
    Yes -0.225 0.095 -2.37 0.018 -0.412 -0.039 **
    Constant -0.095 0.351 -0.27 0.786 -0.783 0.592
    var(u1) 0.859 0.109 .b .b 0.67
    var(u2) 0.737 0.139 .b .b 0.509 1.066
    Prob > chi2 Akaike crit. (AIC) 8965.683
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    I think what you are asking for is available in the reg1 template.
    See details here

     asdocx nbreg daysabs mathnce langnce female , irr template(reg1)

    An example of using the reg1 template command and its results are given below.

    Table: Regression Results – daysabs
    Variable OR [95% CI] P-value
    ctbs math nce 0.998 [0.989, 1.008] 0.741
    ctbs lang nce 0.986 [0.975, 0.997] 0.010
    female 1.539 [1.171, 2.024] 0.002
    Constant 9.825 [6.511, 14.824] 0.000
    /lnalpha 0.253 [0.066, 0.441] .b
    _diparm1:alpha 1.288 [1.068, 1.554] .b
    Observations 316
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    Seems you need the tableonly option, that creates just the table without the file header and package list. For example

    asdocx cor Diaper GetupNight PutBabyToSleep PlayWithBaby , ///
    save(CorrCaringWork.tex) abb(.) title(\notitle) replace tableonly

    Also, in the master file where you call the input(), you should include the following lines to the package list

    \usepackage{tabularx, booktabs, threeparttable, caption}
    \captionsetup{font=bf, aboveskip=1ex, belowskip=2ex}

    I shall look into the table title(\i), obviously, it is not working.

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    Adding support for factor will take some time. However, you can quickly export the tables of factor command using the wmat command of asdocx, that is writing matrix. See this example.

    * Load example data
    webuse bg2, clear
    * Run the factor command
    factor bg2cost1-bg2cost6
    * Save the matrix in L
    mat L = e(L)
    * Export the matrix with asdocx using wmat command
    asdocx wmat, mat(L) replace title(Factor loadings (pattern matrix)
    Factor loadings (pattern matrix) and unique variances
    Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
    bg2cost1 0.247 0.367 -0.045
    bg2cost2 -0.337 0.332 -0.077
    bg2cost3 -0.376 0.376 0.02
    bg2cost4 -0.322 0.194 0.103
    bg2cost5 0.455 0.248 0.064
    bg2cost6 0.476 0.236 -0.007
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    The command xtgcause is not a Stata official command. Hence asdocx is not aware of that. The help file of xtgcause shows that the command leaves scalar in r(), and hence these can be written with flexmat and then exported with asdocx. Here is an example.

    The dataset Data_demo.xls used in this example is provided by Dumitrescu and Hurlin at, along with a few results.

            . import excel using Data_demo.xls, clear
            . ren (A-J) x#, addnumber
            . ren (K-T) y#, addnumber
            . gen t = _n
            . reshape long x y, i(t) j(id)
            . xtset id t
            . xtgcause y x, lag(1)

    Now create the table from the scalars with flexmat

    flexmat reset
    flexmat addrow, data(Lag order, `r(lags)', \empty, \empty) row(1)
    flexmat addrow, data(W-bar, `r(wbar)', \empty, \empty) row(2) dec(3)
    flexmat addrow, data(Z-bar, `r(zbar)', p-value, `r(zbar_pv)') row(3) dec(3)
    flexmat addrow, data(Z-bar tilde, `r(zbart)', p-value, `r(zbart_pv)') row(4) dec(3) 
    asdocx export
    Table: Results
    Lag order 1
    W-bar 1.291
    Z-bar 0.650 p-value 0.515
    Z-bar tilde 0.259 p-value 0.796
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    I have now updated the core of asdocx. It handles the interaction terms in a graceful manner. Following are few examples.

    webuse nhanes2b
    * Interaction of continuous variables
    asdocx reg hgb hdresult c.tgresult#c.weight , nest replace abb(.) 
    asdocx reg hgb hdresult c.tgresult#c.hct , nest  abb(.) 
    Table: Regression results
    (1) (2)
    hgb hgb
    hdresult -0.019*** -0.016***
    (0.002) (0.001)
    tgresult × weight 0***
    tgresult × hct 0***
    Intercept 14.951*** 14.575***
    (0.096) (0.096)
    Observations 4222 4222
    R\super2 0.08 0.107
    * Interaction of continuous and factor variables asdocx reg hgb hdresult , nest replace abb(.) asdocx reg hgb hdresult , nest abb(.)
    Table: Regression results
    (1) (2)
    hgb hgb
    hdresult -0.013*** -0.009***
    (0.001) (0.001)
    sex × tgresult 0.004***
    Female × tgresult -0.003***
    sex × tibc 0.004***
    Female × tibc 0
    Intercept 14.79*** 14.076***
    (0.09) (0.09)
    Observations 4222 8720
    R\super2 0.23 0.322
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    I have update the asdocx package. The update adds a new sub-command change(old, new)to flexmat to find and replace existing string with new string. Therefore, if you want to change the # with x, the option change will be used as change("#", " x "). See the following example

    *update asdocx
    * Load example data
    sysuse auto
    * Estimate a regression with interaction terms
    asdocx reg price c.turn#c.trunk, replace nest
      0 |1                                                     2 
      1 |                                                    (1) 
      2 |                                                  price 
      3 |c.turn#c.trunk                                 4.737*** 
      4 |                                                (1.515) 
      5 |Intercept                                   3528.565*** 
      6 |                                               (903.25) 
      7 |Observations                                         74 
      8 |R2                                                 0.12 
    * Replace the # string with x
    flexmat change(#, " x ")
      0 |1                                                     2 
      1 |                                                    (1) 
      2 |                                                  price 
      3 |c.turn x c.trunk                               4.737*** 
      4 |                                                (1.515) 
      5 |Intercept                                   3528.565*** 
      6 |                                               (903.25) 
      7 |Observations                                         74 
      8 |R\super2                                           0.12 
    * Replace c. string with empty
    flexmat change(c., "")
    * Finally, export the modified table
    asdocx export
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    asdocx can report lables for variables, but not for interaction terms. You can suggest any standard practice in your field and I shall try to come up with a solution. For this, you may refer a paper or send your own example to show how interaction terms should be reported.

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    margins is still in the beta version. You can update to beta version by

    asdocx_update, beta
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    This is documented in the flexmat help file.

     help flexmat 

    Section 9 of the help file reads
    9. addparts:
    Sub-command addparts with option notes(Table notes text) adds table notes to the current table. Table notes appear at the bottom of the
    table when the table is exported with asdocx. When sub-command addparts is used with option title(Table title text), it sets the table

    flexmat reset
    mat A = (1,2,3\ 4,5,6\ 7,8,9)
    matrix rownames A = myrow1 myrow2 myrow3
    mat colnames A = mycol1 mycol2 mycol3
    flexmat addmat, matname(A)
    flexmat addparts, title(My Stata matrix) notes(My notes from flexmat)
                                    My Stata matrix
      0 |1                           2                3                4 
      1 |                       mycol1           mycol2           mycol3 
      2 |myrow1                      1                2                3 
      3 |myrow2                      4                5                6 
      4 |myrow3                      7                8                9 
    My notes from flexmat
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    This issue is now fixed in the asdocx beta version. I have added the new features to the beta version of asdocx. All new features are first added to the beta version. Once that version is stable, it is released as a regular version. To install the new version, copy and paste the following line in Stata and press enter.

    asdocx_update, beta

    Restart Stata after installation of the new version.

    Here is an example

    mat A = (1,2,3\ 4,5,6\ 7,8,9)
    matrix rownames A = myrow1 myrow2 myrow3
    mat colnames A = mycol1 mycol2 mycol3
    flexmat addmat, matname(A)
     0 |1                           2                3                4 
      1 |                       mycol1           mycol2           mycol3 
      2 |myrow1                      1                2                3 
      3 |myrow2                      4                5                6 
      4 |myrow3                      7                8                9 
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    Please update to the beta version.

    asdocx_update, beta
    which asdocx
    *! Feb 24, 2022: Version 2.0.2 : Option sheet(name) add, it works with excel files.    |
    *! Attaullah Shah;                                    |
    *! Tenured Associate Professor: Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan.  |
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    I have added gologit2 to asdocx. Since the output of the gologit2 comprises of three groups of estimates, asdocx add the group name as a prefix, that is fair, average, good. See this example

    *Update asdocx
    * Use example data
    webuse fullauto
    *Add three nested models
    asdocx gologit2 rep77 i.foreign length mpg, replace nest
    asdocx gologit2 rep77 i.foreign length mpg trunk ,  nest
    asdocx gologit2 rep77 i.foreign  mpg trunk ,  nest 
    Table: Regression results
    (1) (2) (3)
    rep77 rep77 rep77
    1.foreign 3.07 167.059 -1.596
    (7.081) (38570.529) (1.601)
    length 0.447 17.56
    (0.316) (3337.642)
    mpg 0.505 24.289 -0.444
    (0.851) (7408.473) (0.45)
    trunk -23.61 -0.097
    (3518.731) (0.281)
    Intercept -89.731 -3524.318 13.323
    (63.983) (744600.61) (12.56)
    Fair:1.foreign 2.42* 1.861 1.213
    (1.346) (1.341) (0.904)
    Fair:length 0.054 0.028
    (0.042) (0.051)
    Fair:mpg 0.26 0.279 0.224**
    (0.159) (0.176) (0.113)
    Fair:trunk 0.108 0.182*
    (0.134) (0.107)
    Fair:Intercept -14.632 -11.379 -5.968*
    (11.076) (12.276) (3.335)
    Average:1.foreign 3.569*** 3.37*** 1.524**
    (1.077) (1.09) (0.728)
    Average:length 0.123*** 0.122***
    (0.039) (0.043)
    Average:mpg 0.358*** 0.372*** 0.094
    (0.132) (0.137) (0.059)
    Average:trunk 0.005 0.177*
    (0.118) (0.092)
    Average:Intercept -32.637*** -32.861*** -5.5**
    (10.241) (10.664) (2.27)
    Good:1.foreign 19.883 24.247 20.503
    (1501.655) (7320.255) (2304.349)
    Good:length 0.058 0.038
    (0.057) (0.069)
    Good:mpg 0.001 -0.032 -0.053
    (0.12) (0.125) (0.085)
    Good:trunk 0.197 0.241
    (0.217) (0.205)
    Good:Intercept -30.528 -32.583 -22.73
    (1501.716) (7320.271) (2304.351)
    Observations 66 66 66
    Pseudo R2 0.276 0.329 0.154
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    Hello Johanna
    I have added margins to the asdocx. Now you can report a detailed table of margins [see this post ] or a nested table of margins [see this post ]

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    Please post your code to reproduce the error. For dropping the p-values column, you can use flexmat to modify the table created by asdocx. To know more about flexmat, you may like to read these entries.
    Here is an example that deletes the p-value column.

    sysuse nlsw88
    *Since the p-values are in the 5th column, drop column 5.
    flexmat dropcol, col(5)
    *Export the modified table with asdocx
    asdocx export
    Table 1: Demographics
    Variables single (n=804) married (n = 1442) Total (2246)
    race 1.40 (1.37 – 1.44) 1.21 (1.19 – 1.24) 1.28 (1.26 – 1.30)
    current grade completed
    1 (0.04%) 1 (0.04%) 2 (0.09%)
    2 (0.09%) 1 (0.04%) 3 (0.13%)
    0 (0.00%) 1 (0.04%) 1 (0.04%)
    8 (0.36%) 6 (0.27%) 14 (0.62%)
    9 (0.40%) 10 (0.45%) 19 (0.85%)
    15 (0.67%) 18 (0.80%) 33 (1.47%)
    23 (1.02%) 32 (1.43%) 55 (2.45%)
    26 (1.16%) 58 (2.58%) 84 (3.74%)
    45 (2.01%) 78 (3.48%) 123 (5.48%)
    325 (14.48%) 618 (27.54%) 943 (42.02%)
    60 (2.67%) 116 (5.17%) 176 (7.84%)
    75 (3.34%) 112 (4.99%) 187 (8.33%)
    33 (1.47%) 59 (2.63%) 92 (4.10%)
    82 (3.65%) 170 (7.58%) 252 (11.23%)
    34 (1.52%) 72 (3.21%) 106 (4.72%)
    65 (2.90%) 89 (3.97%) 154 (6.86%)
    lives in south
    464 (20.66%) 840 (37.40%) 1304 (58.06%)
    340 (15.14%) 602 (26.80%) 942 (41.94%)
    college graduate
    not college grad
    616 (27.43%) 1098 (48.89%) 1714 (76.31%)
    college grad
    188 (8.37%) 344 (15.32%) 532 (23.69%)
Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 76 total)