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  • Aduba Joseph
    Post count: 23

    This has been sorted. I combine both asdoc and asdocx in the same dofile hence the error

    Aduba Joseph
    Post count: 23

    Thanks. It will be nice to include the code in asdocx going foreword.
    Once more, thanks for providing the solution.

    Aduba Joseph
    Post count: 23
    Aduba Joseph
    Post count: 23

    Fixed. Thanks for your hard work, @Dr. Attaulah Shah.

    Aduba Joseph
    Post count: 23

    I face this problem almost all the time, especially at the most crucial time. And it is very embarrassing because once it starts, it stalls everything for the rest of the day and there is absolutely nothing one can do to correct it. Nother matter how many times you update the application, it doesn’t solve it. And should you return to the original “asdoc” the same problem will occur. Is there no way this can be permanently fixed? What can we do so we have don’t have to face this problem at all. It is disabling because am in an urgent situation where I need to bundle my nested regression table for a report and it suddenly stops working. I never had this problem when I was using “asdoc” alone with stata 14.2. Could it be that both asdoc and asdocx are having code-sharing problems or its a problem of stata 16 and 17 compatibility issues with asdoc and asdocx. Please, carefully look into this and help us deal with it once and for all.

    Aduba Joseph
    Post count: 23

    More details on the error

    . asdocx xtreg lnCt1 $xvar1 i.Code, save(electricity) dec(4) drop(i.Code) stat(r2_o, p, rmse) ///
    fs(8) font(Times New Roman) nest table_layout(autofit) 
    (File C:\Users\aduba\Documents\electricity.docx already exists, option append was assumed)
    Random-effects GLS regression                   Number of obs     =        368
    Group variable: Code                            Number of groups  =         23
    R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
         within  = 0.0000                                         min =         16
         between = 0.0000                                         avg =       16.0
         overall = 0.5360                                         max =         16
                                                    Wald chi2(23)     =     397.45
    corr(u_i, X)   = 0 (assumed)                    Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
           lnCt1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         lnCECO1 |  -.0874609   .0043871   -19.94   0.000    -.0960594   -.0788624
            Code |
            100  |  -.1351784   .0242108    -5.58   0.000    -.1826308    -.087726
            110  |  -.1199651   .0240083    -5.00   0.000    -.1670206   -.0729097
            120  |  -.2122487   .0255643    -8.30   0.000    -.2623539   -.1621435
            130  |  -.2599124   .0266488    -9.75   0.000    -.3121432   -.2076817
            140  |  -.0579446    .023423    -2.47   0.013    -.1038528   -.0120364
            150  |  -.1126462   .0239189    -4.71   0.000    -.1595265    -.065766
            160  |   .0349076   .0233078     1.50   0.134    -.0107749    .0805901
            170  |  -.1594233   .0245792    -6.49   0.000    -.2075976    -.111249
            180  |  -.0207647   .0232653    -0.89   0.372    -.0663638    .0248344
            190  |  -.1408127   .0242915    -5.80   0.000    -.1884232   -.0932022
            200  |  -.4476466   .0323168   -13.85   0.000    -.5109864   -.3843068
            210  |   -.039265   .0233253    -1.68   0.092    -.0849817    .0064517
            220  |   .0605097   .0234393     2.58   0.010     .0145695    .1064499
            230  |  -.0422053   .0233382    -1.81   0.071    -.0879473    .0035367
            240  |   -.044981   .0233512    -1.93   0.054    -.0907486    .0007865
            250  |  -.0166696    .023257    -0.72   0.474    -.0622524    .0289133
            270  |  -.1764147   .0248695    -7.09   0.000     -.225158   -.1276713
            280  |   .0215529   .0232671     0.93   0.354    -.0240498    .0671555
            290  |  -.0558859   .0234104    -2.39   0.017    -.1017694   -.0100023
            300  |  -.1518346    .024458    -6.21   0.000    -.1997714   -.1038978
            310  |   .0289156   .0232872     1.24   0.214    -.0167264    .0745577
            320  |  -.2088303   .0254934    -8.19   0.000    -.2587965   -.1588641
           _cons |   5.769152   .0829038    69.59   0.000     5.606663     5.93164
         sigma_u |          0
         sigma_e |  .06573818
             rho |          0   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
    N  r2_o p rmse
    asdocx_func_nested_reg():  3301  subscript invalid
                     <istmt>:     -  function returned error
    Aduba Joseph
    Post count: 23

    Hello, I apologize for my late response. I was out of office.
    Here is the code:
    . asdocx xtreg lnCt1 $xvar1 i.Code, save(electricity) dec(4) drop(i.Code) stat(r2_o, p, rmse) fs(8) font(Time
    > s New Roman) nest table_layout(autofit)

    Aduba Joseph
    Post count: 23

    Thanks for the hard work you are doing.

    Aduba Joseph
    Post count: 23

    Dear Professor,
    Thanks for your quick response. I have fixed the problem. I just noticed that asdocx requires that you specify options table_layout(autofit) for the contents to fit to the page width.

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