asdocx: Export from Stata to Word, Excel, LaTeX & HTML Forums asdocx Forum Running List of Community-Commands to Support in the Future?

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  • Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    Hi Dr. Shah — I’m not sure how arduous the process is for adding support for various community-written commands to asdocx, so I’m hesitant to make ad hoc requests every time I find a program I’m using that isn’t supported by Asdocx. However, it strikes me as potentially useful to have a running list of these non-urgent community-contributed program requests that could be added on an ongoing basis as it fits your own timeline and the overall strategic vision of asdocx development as a whole. What do you think?

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    I like the idea of creating such a list.
    Adding support for user-written programs to asdocx can be straightforward if the program produces its results in the form of macros, scalars, or matrices. However, if this is not the case, it would be equivalent to writing the user’s program from scratch. I am always available to assist other asdocx users who would like to add support for community-contributed packages to asdocx. I can share the template file and provide guidance on how to use it to add programs to asdocx.

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    That’s good news! I think keeping things simple (i.e. not re-writing things from scratch) is the way to go. Perhaps this thread can serve as the “running list”?

    If that works for you, here’s my first contribution (and again, not time sensitive! Simply a “nice to have”):


    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    I am happy to announce that asdocx now supports fre program that is written by Ben Jann. See details here

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    You are awesome. Thanks!

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    I am happy to announce that asdocx now supports mrtab program that is written by Ben Jann. Adding mrtab was quite a laborious task. I had to assemble the result matrices from various components, which required a significant amount of time. See details here

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    Thank you! So great.

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    I am happy to announce the missings is now supported in asdocx, see details here .

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    Unbelievably responsive — thank you!

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    Hi Dr. Shah — I had the opportunity to try out the asdocx missings report command, and I got an error regarding one of the missings report options: identify(). The error reads: “option identify() not allowed”. I know that not all subcommands of missings are featured, but does that also incluse certain missings report options?

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    Please post the code that you used. I searched for the identify option in missings , but did not find anything related to it.

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    Hi there — this is from the help file:

    missings report issues a report on the number of missing values in varlist. By default, counts of missings are given by variables;
        optionally, counts are given by observations.
     observations (missings report) indicates counting of missing values by observations, not the default of counting by variables.
     identify(varlist) or identify(varname) (missings report, missings list, and missings table) insists on showing varlist or varname in
            the display of results.  This can be especially useful to show (for example) identifier variables, which typically will not be
            missing, or key categorical variables such as education or gender.  With missings report, observations and missings list, varlist
            is included in the list results.  With missings table, varname is used to produce a two-way table in contrast to a one-way table;
            two or more variables may not be specified.

    So, the code I’ve used is:

    missings report [variable of interest], obs identify(studyid)

    Seems to work well without the asdocx prefix.

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    I was previously using an older version of missings that I downloaded from SSC. However, the latest version available on the Stata Journal website at dm0085_2 from has the new option identify(). To get the updated version that works with asdocx, type the following in Stata command window:

    net install asdocx_missings, from( replace

    After the update, the option identify() should work.

    webuse nlswork
    asdocx missings table, identify(race) replace
    Checking missings in all variables: 15082 observations with missing values
    # of missing values white black other Total
    0 9604 3709 139 13452
    1 9672 3966 152 13790
    2 677 278 9 964
    3 199 89 3 291
    4 25 7 0 32
    5 1 1 0 2
    6 2 1 0 3
    Total 20180 8051 303 28534
    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    Perfect. Thank you!

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    Hi Dr. Shah — any chance of support for community-contributed program groups?

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