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  • Isabel Krakoff
    Post count: 12


    When I run the following code without asdocx it works fine:

    mixed support_dem avgsoctrust2 asdocx v2x_polyarchy gender X003 university ///
    X047R_combo E023 i.F025 exclpop v2svstterr WDIGDPpcLN WDIgrowth gini_disp_mean ///
    v2x_corr AvgInstTrust2 || Country: if p2~=. & demalign2 == 0 & above_align == 1, cov(un)

    However as soon as I add asdocx I get the =exp not allowed error:

    asdocx mixed support_dem avgsoctrust2 v2x_polyarchy gender X003 university ///
    X047R_combo E023 i.F025 exclpop v2svstterr WDIGDPpcLN WDIgrowth gini_disp_mean ///
    v2x_corr AvgInstTrust2 || Country: if p2~=. & demalign2 == 0 & above_align == 1, ///
    cov(un) replace save(Tables/Paper2 above) dec(3) fs(11) font(Times New Roman) ///
    nest landscape table_layout(autofit) label cnames(Base Model)

    I’ve been using this code with asdocx for over a year now without a problem until today.

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 76

    Hello Isabel
    I have resolved a syntax parsing issue that was present in the previous version. In the future, when reporting an issue, it would be helpful if you could also share a dummy dataset. This would allow me to replicate the issue more efficiently. To update to the most recent version, please type


    . To demonstrate that the updated version is functioning correctly with the mixed command, I have used a dataset from Stata.

    * Get the example dataset
    webuse productivity
    * Make the nested regression table with asdocx
    asdocx mixed gsp private emp hwy water other unemp || state: if unemp >5 & region == 2 , mle replace nest
    asdocx mixed gsp private emp hwy water  unemp || state: if unemp >5 & region == 2 , mle  nest
    asdocx mixed gsp private emp  water  unemp || state: if unemp >5 & region == 2 , mle  nest
    * The output 
                               Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                        2                 3                 4 
      1 |                                       (1)               (2)               (3) 
      2 |Variables                              gsp               gsp               gsp 
      3 |private                              0.068             0.138           0.197** 
      4 |                                   (0.095)           (0.087)           (0.093) 
      5 |emp                               1.326***          1.243***          0.974*** 
      6 |                                   (0.163)           (0.149)           (0.132) 
      7 |hwy                              -0.705***         -0.257***                   
      8 |                                   (0.095)           (0.086)                   
      9 |water                              -0.099*            -0.037            -0.003 
     10 |                                   (0.058)           (0.043)           (0.043) 
     11 |other                               0.3***                                     
     12 |                                   (0.079)                                     
     13 |unemp                                0.001                 0           -0.005* 
     14 |                                   (0.004)           (0.003)           (0.003) 
     15 |Intercept                         4.849***           2.79***           1.511** 
     16 |                                   (0.226)           (0.628)            (0.61) 
     17 |lns1_1_1:Intercept                 -13.121         -2.922***         -2.494*** 
     18 |                               (64553.719)           (0.463)           (0.446) 
     19 |lnsig_e:Intercept                -3.685***         -3.778***         -3.721*** 
     20 |                                   (0.104)           (0.109)           (0.109) 
     21 |Observations                            46                46                46 
    Notes:  Standard errors are in parentheses. *** p<.01, ** p<.05, * p<.1
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