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  • Isabel Krakoff
    Post count: 12


    I am currently trying to use asdocx with a gsem command but am getting an error.

    The code I am running is:
    asdocx gsem (i.predclass4 <- v2x_polyarchy gender X003 university i.X047 i.E023 i.F034 exclpop5 endogenous BQ GDPgrowth gini_disp v2x_corr i.amnesty wording M1[Country]), mlogit nocapslatent latent(M1) replace save(Tables/predclass) dec(3) fs(11) landscape table_layout(autofit) label

    And I get the following error:
    _chdir(): 3254 nonstring found where string required
    get_file_and_folder(): – function returned error
    <istmt>: – function returned error

    end of do-file


    can you advise? Is it possible to use asdocx for gsem commands? I just updated asdocx to the most recent version

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    gsem suit of commands have a challenging syntax structure and hence cannot be directly used with asdocx. However, there is a workaround. Once the gsem command is executed, we can export its output in the next step using asdocx. See the following example, I am using the special replay command with asdocx. The replay is useful in all other situations as well when the syntax structure is complex.

    sysuse auto
    gsem (mpg <- weight c.weight#c.weight foreign)
    asdocx replay, nest replace
      0 |1                                                       2 
      1 |                                                      (1) 
      2 |                                                      mpg 
      3 |weight                                          -0.017*** 
      4 |                                                  (0.004) 
      5 |c.weight#c.weight                                    0*** 
      6 |                                                      (0) 
      7 |foreign                                          -2.204** 
      8 |                                                   (1.03) 
      9 |_cons                                           56.539*** 
     10 |                                                  (6.028) 
     11 |/var(e.mpg)                                     10.193*** 
     12 |                                                  (1.676) 
     13 |Observations                                           74 
    Click to Open File:  C:\temp\MyFile.docx
    Isabel Krakoff
    Post count: 12

    Perfect, I will give that a try! Thank you so much!

    Isabel Krakoff
    Post count: 12

    Is there a command/way to clear the asdocx replay?

    When I run the gsem command and then asdocx replay the first time it works great but if I run a subsequent gsem command and try to use asdocx replay it outputs the data from the first gsem command.

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Since we are using the nest option, all subsequent regressions are nested in the table. See this example:

    sysuse auto, clear
    gsem (mpg <- weight c.weight#c.weight foreign)
    asdocx replay, nest replace
    gsem (mpg <- weight c.weight#c.weight )
    asdocx replay, nest
                                 Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                    2                 3 
      1 |                                   (1)               (2) 
      2 |                                   mpg               mpg 
      3 |weight                       -0.017***         -0.014*** 
      4 |                               (0.004)           (0.004) 
      5 |c.weight#c.weight                 0***               0** 
      6 |                                   (0)               (0) 
      7 |foreign                       -2.204**                   
      8 |                                (1.03)                   
      9 |_cons                        56.539***         51.183*** 
     10 |                               (6.028)            (5.65) 
     11 |/var(e.mpg)                  10.193***         10.823*** 
     12 |                               (1.676)           (1.779) 
     13 |Observations                        74                74 
    Click to Open File:  C:\temp\MyFile.docx

    If you wish to start a new table, you can use the option reset

    asdocx replay, nest reset
                                 Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                    2                 3 
      1 |                                   (1)               (2) 
      2 |                                   mpg               mpg 
      3 |weight                       -0.017***         -0.014*** 
      4 |                               (0.004)           (0.004) 
      5 |c.weight#c.weight                 0***               0** 
      6 |                                   (0)               (0) 
      7 |foreign                       -2.204**                   
      8 |                                (1.03)                   
      9 |_cons                        56.539***         51.183*** 
     10 |                               (6.028)            (5.65) 
     11 |/var(e.mpg)                  10.193***         10.823*** 
     12 |                               (1.676)           (1.779) 
     13 |Observations                        74                74 
                                 Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                                    2 
      1 |                                                   (1) 
      2 |                                                   mpg 
      3 |weight                                       -0.014*** 
      4 |                                               (0.004) 
      5 |c.weight#c.weight                                  0** 
      6 |                                                   (0) 
      7 |_cons                                        51.183*** 
      8 |                                                (5.65) 
      9 |/var(e.mpg)                                  10.823*** 
     10 |                                               (1.779) 
     11 |Observations                                        74 
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