asdocx: Export from Stata to Word, Excel, LaTeX & HTML › Forums › asdocx Forum › Problem with decimals in flexmat
Tagged: asdocx, decimal points, flexmat
I am trying to create my own program to do a mean difference tests controlling for stratification variables, as iebaltab is not supported in asdocx I created the following program but I am having problems to include brackets for standard error and to include stars :
this is my program:capture program drop balance_fe program define balance_fe version 15.1 syntax varlist [if] [in], Doc(name) asdocx setfile, save(`doc') flexmat reset flexmat addrow, data(\i, T=0 , \i, \i, T=1, \i,\i,\i) row(1) col(1) flexmat addrow, data(Var, T , C , Diff, T , C , Diff) row(2) col(1) flexmat addrow, data(\i, (mean) , (mean) , \i , (mean) , (mean) , \i) row(3) col(1) local i = 4 local j = 5 * Loop through each variable and run the regression separately for entrada == 0 and entrada == 1 foreach var of varlist `varlist' { * Regression for entrada == 0 reg `var' tratados PcD_siempre_req_ayuda i.localidad_cuidador if encuesta == 0 * Capture the coefficient for TRATADOS (this is the adjusted difference) local coef_0 = _b[tratados] local se_0 = _se[tratados] local p0 =2*ttail(e(df_r),abs(`coef_0' / `se_0')) if `p0'<=0.01 { local star0 "***" } else if `p0'<=0.05{ local star0 "**" } else if `p0'<=0.1{ local star0 "*" } else { local star0 " " } local star0 `star0' * Calculate the mean for treatment and control groups from the regression for entrada == 0 local intercept_0 = _b[_cons] local mean_treated_0 = `intercept_0' + `coef_0' local mean_control_0 = `intercept_0' * Regression for entrada == 1 reg `var' tratados PcD_siempre_req_ayuda i.localidad_cuidador if encuesta == 1 * Capture the coefficient for TRATADOS (this is the adjusted difference) local coef_1 = _b[tratados] local se_1 = _se[tratados] local p1 =2*ttail(e(df_r),abs(`coef_1' / `se_1')) if `p1'<=0.01 { local star1 "***" } else if `p1'<=0.05{ local star1 "**" } else if `p1'<=0.1{ local star1 "*" } else { local star1 " " } local star1 `star1' * Calculate the mean for treatment and control groups from the regression for entrada == 1 local intercept_1 = _b[_cons] local mean_treated_1 = `intercept_1' + `coef_1' local mean_control_1 = `intercept_1' * Create a table with asdoc, combining results for entrada == 0 and entrada == 1 flexmat addrow, data(`var', `mean_treated_0', `mean_control_0', `coef_0' `star0', `mean_treated_1', `mean_control_1', `coef_1' \i `star1') row(`i') col(1) dec(3) flexmat addrow, data(\i, \i, \i, `se_0', \i, \i, `se_1' ) row(`j') col(1) dec(3) local i = `i'+2 local j = `j'+2 } asdocx export end global attributes_cuid female_cuidador balance_fe $attributes_cuid, doc(opinion) And this is the outcome: Table: Results T=0 T=1 Var T C Diff T C Diff (mean) (mean) (mean) (mean) female_cuidador 0.873 0.924 -0.050 0.867 0.927 -0.060 [ .0452214174207373 ] [ .048581842896113 ] age_lt_30_cuidador 0.057 0.049 0.008 0.044 0.014 0.029 [ .0426844928298504 ] [ .0415409747837886 ] age_30_50_cuidador 0.241 0.179 0.062 0.239 0.237 0.002 [ .073076540587936 ] [ .0742507558857683 ] age_50_60_cuidador 0.312 0.508 -.1956913921969597 ** 0.240 0.453 -.2129306381240828 ** [ .0814750225770947 ] [ .0833018715024365 ] age_gt_60_cuidador 0.390 0.264 0.126 0.477 0.296 .1817895469990658 ** [ .0835857734074484 ] [ .0860492248712231 ] priorizada 0.440 0.132 .3073178094970312 *** 0.465 0.140 .3254840236746013 *** [ .0655266549007595 ] [ .0681533091773399 ] cuidadora_discapacidad 0.170 0.058 .1120905381892791 ** 0.225 0.086 .1395610387216294 *** [ .0454970747702299 ] [ .0502376831545808 ] mujer 0.873 0.924 -0.050 0.867 0.927 -0.060 [ .0452214174207373 ] [ .048581842896113 ] edad_cuidadora 54.589 54.070 0.518 55.759 54.635 1.124 [ 2.16929560964669 ] [ 2.189432474744678 ] n_pers_hogar 4.147 3.828 0.319 2.329 1.403 .9260936001084251 *** [ .3021497679431961 ] [ .2216258246935809 ] n_menores_14_hogar 0.659 0.430 0.229 0.419 0.041 .3778422609978668 * [ .1418399116962401 ] [ .2197291495056808 ] n_mayores_60_hogar 1.128 0.861 .2667670745044388 * 0.043 0.148 -.1057040886296859 *** [ .1401457791987369 ] [ .0313695565069849 ] n_pcd_hogar 1.521 1.281 .2404322106105557 ** 1.737 1.054 .6829594017094021 *** [ .0947067888919658 ] [ .2181724798049691 ] total_pers_cuidadas 1.926 1.575 .3512428920031583 * 1.593 0.560 1.033627705018304 *** [ .1799038148979991 ] [ .1191785744184205 ] cuida_pers_fh 0.224 0.294 -0.071 0.593 0.593 0 [ .0749677895012531 ] [ 0 ] se1 0.127 0.143 -0.016 0.184 0.154 0.030 [ .0584293965100804 ] [ .0608237943052473 ] se2 0.857 0.662 .1949894161611641 ** 0.818 0.644 .1733109590273359 ** [ .076221864108779 ] [ .0802719781862108 ] se3 0.016 0.195 -.1787278004923131 *** -0.002 0.201 -.2033394441448079 *** [ .0547931987304561 ] [ .0569456792879725 ] num_integrantes 4.211 4.143 0.068 4.102 4.044 0.058 [ .2777245732340444 ] [ .2860700800367504 ] num_pcd 1.469 1.268 .2008300262031517 ** 1.462 1.256 .2054844805290875 ** [ .0926290532980009 ] [ .0828875011581481 ] num_pcd_mayores_18 1.512 1.276 .235442078250814 ** 1.544 1.306 .2382187474605085 ** [ .1091369904053218 ] [ .1079032213275395 ] cuidadora_lee_escribe 0.954 0.969 -0.015 0.954 0.969 -0.016 [ .0195141030886512 ] [ .0211065311070289 ] escolaridad_culminada 0.491 0.453 0.038 0.470 0.453 0.017 [ .0860886017385185 ] [ .0894893653640295 ] conflicto_armado 0.117 0.095 0.022 0.101 0.088 0.013 [ .0586480380858076 ] [ .0596551089641583 ] sisben 0.741 0.685 0.056 0.750 0.694 0.056 [ .0574786859417874 ] [ .0598015466824094 ] afiliada_salud 1.011 0.968 .0427163763712066 ** 1.011 0.967 .0438500961794923 ** [ .0193704046519501 ] [ .0209437802491101 ] cuidadora_discapacidad 0.170 0.058 .1120905381892791 ** 0.225 0.086 .1395610387216294 *** [ .0454970747702299 ] [ .0502376831545808 ] apoyo_otro 0.494 0.486 0.008 0.483 0.442 0.041 [ .08189650174139 ] [ .0862232580621543 ] cuidadora_sostiene 0.350 0.297 0.053 0.284 0.290 -0.006 [ .0855307692328213 ] [ .0890051940349824 ] ayuda_actividades 0.780 0.865 -0.085 0.763 0.850 -0.087 [ .0833482695040922 ] [ .0868920467799025 ] live_in_antonio -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 [ 0 ] [ 0 ] live_in_rafael -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 [ 0 ] [ 0 ] live_in_sancristobal 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 [ 0 ] [ 0 ] live_in_tunjuelito 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 [ 0 ] [ 0 ] live_in_usme -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
Hello Ana Diaz,
You have mentioned a problem with decimal points in the subject, but in the text, you have mentioned that you have problems with brackets and stars.
In the following code, I have processed the macro to format the values as %9.3f.flexmat
can format single values, but if the values involve text or symbols, you have to format the value for decimal points before combining it with other items, such as *, -, or +. I have also shown how to add brackets and *.capture program drop balance_fe program define balance_fe version 15.1 syntax varlist [if] [in], Doc(name) asdocx setfile, save(`doc') flexmat reset flexmat addrow, data(\i, T=0 , \i, \i, T=1, \i,\i,\i) row(1) col(1) flexmat addrow, data(Var, T , C , Diff, T , C , Diff) row(2) col(1) flexmat addrow, data(\i, (mean) , (mean) , \i , (mean) , (mean) , \i) row(3) col(1) local i = 4 local j = 5 * Loop through each variable and run the regression separately for entrada == 0 and entrada == 1 foreach var of varlist `varlist' { * Regression for entrada == 0 reg `var' tratados PcD_siempre_req_ayuda i.localidad_cuidador if encuesta == 0 * Capture the coefficient for TRATADOS (this is the adjusted difference) local coef_0 = _b[tratados] local se_0 = _se[tratados] * decimal points loc coef_0 : dis %9.3f = `coef_0' loc se_0 : dis %9.3f = `se_0' local p0 =2*ttail(e(df_r),abs(`coef_0' / `se_0')) if `p0'<=0.01 { local star0 "***" } else if `p0'<=0.05{ local star0 "**" } else if `p0'<=0.1{ local star0 "*" } else { local star0 " " } local star0 `star0' * Calculate the mean for treatment and control groups from the regression for entrada == 0 local intercept_0 = _b[_cons] local mean_treated_0 = `intercept_0' + `coef_0' local mean_control_0 = `intercept_0' * decimal points loc intercept_0 : dis %9.3f = `intercept_0' loc mean_treated_0 : dis %9.3f = `mean_treated_0' loc mean_control_0 : dis %9.3f = `mean_control_0' * Regression for entrada == 1 reg `var' tratados PcD_siempre_req_ayuda i.localidad_cuidador if encuesta == 1 * Capture the coefficient for TRATADOS (this is the adjusted difference) local coef_1 = _b[tratados] local se_1 = _se[tratados] local p1 =2*ttail(e(df_r),abs(`coef_1' / `se_1')) * decimal points loc coef_1 : dis %9.3f = `coef_1' loc se_1 : dis %9.3f = `se_1' loc p1 : dis %9.4f = `p1' if `p1'<=0.01 { local star1 "***" } else if `p1'<=0.05{ local star1 "**" } else if `p1'<=0.1{ local star1 "*" } else { local star1 " " } local star1 `star1' * Calculate the mean for treatment and control groups from the regression for entrada == 1 local intercept_1 = _b[_cons] local mean_treated_1 = `intercept_1' + `coef_1' local mean_control_1 = `intercept_1' * decimal points loc intercept_1 : dis %9.3f = `intercept_1' loc mean_treated_1 : dis %9.3f = `mean_treated_1' loc mean_control_1 : dis %9.3f = `mean_control_1' * Create a table with asdoc, combining results for entrada == 0 and entrada == 1 flexmat addrow, data(`var', `mean_treated_0', `mean_control_0', `coef_0' `star0', `mean_treated_1', `mean_control_1', `coef_1' \i `star1') row(`i') col(1) dec(3) flexmat addrow, data(\i, \i, \i, [`se_0''], \i, \i, [`se_1'] ) row(`j') col(1) dec(3) local i = `i'+2 local j = `j'+2 } asdocx export end global attributes_cuid female_cuidador balance_fe $attributes_cuid, doc(opinion)
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