asdocx: Export from Stata to Word, Excel, LaTeX & HTML Forums asdocx Forum Creating Multiple Custom Tables at Once Using Flexmat, Then Output To One Doc?

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  • Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 53

    Hi Dr. Shah — Is it possible to create multiple flexmat tables in a single .do file, then merge them in consecutive locations in a new .docx?

    I’ve been trying a number of different approaches to get the result I’m looking for, and nothing seems to work. Here is my current iteration:

    cd "/Users/Default/Downloads"
    asdocx setfile, save(First_Test)
    flexmat addrow, data(Year, Month, Day) r(1)
    flexmat addrow, data(2001, March, 21) r(2)
    asdocx setfile, save(Second_Test)
    flexmat addrow, data(Make, Model, mpg) r(1)
    flexmat addrow, data(Ford, Explorer, 15) r(2)
    asdocx, save(REPORT) text(MY REPORT) title replace
    flexmat appendmat, matname(First Test)
    flexmat appendmat, matname(Second_Test)
    asdocx export

    But then I receive this error, with context from SET TRACE ON:

    = mata : append_matrices("/Users/Default/Downloads/_asdoc/REPORT.flexmat", "First_File", 17)
    file First_File not found
                     fopen():   601  file not found
           append_matrices():     -  function returned error
                     <istmt>:     -  function returned error

    Troubleshooting, I replaced the “First File” with its full path in the matname() option, but then receive this error:

    append_matrices():  3498  Columns are not equal in the two matrices
                     <istmt>:     -  function returned error

    At the end of the day, I want to be able to iteratively add tables/elements to a single report, which will include some stock asdocx tables (i.e. asdocx sum) and some custom flexmat tables. What’s the best way to do this? Create individual docx files for each table, then combine them with putdocx? Is there anyway to build the tables, save them to individual flexmat files, and then combine them in order in a new flexmat file?

    The other approach I’ve tried is to take the simplest approach:

    asdocx, save(REPORT.docx) text(MY REPORT) title replace
    flexmat addrow, data(Year, Month, Day) r(1)
    flexmat addrow, data(2001, March, 21) r(2)

    However, since flexmat assumes a default location of 1, the report is always overwritten with the final flexmat codeblock. I know that I can tell flexmat where to put the table (e.g. loc(#), but it seems like I have to do that for every single flexmat command, and that will be difficult to do when these commands are ultimately inserted into a loop to create multiple reports.

    I suppose I could use a local that increases with each flexmat command and subsequent loop, or even take the global flexmat_current_loc and increase it for each flexmat table and loop, but I can’t help but think that there is a better, more intuitive way.

    Any advice for my predicament?


    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    Thanks for bringing this up. I have improved the functionality of flexmat, and as a result, I have updated the asdocx files. To get the updates, use


    This thread will be useful to other users of asdocx and flexmat, therefore, I will provide a detailed reply.
    The appendmat sub-command appends a flexmat file to the current asdocx file (that is is available in the global macro $active_flexmat_file). Users must use the option matname() when using appendmat(). The subcommand is similar to addmat, but with three main differences:

    1. Users do not have to specify the location() option as appendmat automatically identifies the next available location and appends the flexmat file to it.

    2. Files written with flexmat are stored as associative arrays, therefore, they need to be converted back to matrices before appending them to other files. The sub-command appendmat takes care of this.

    3. The addmat subcommand can be used to add a matrix at any combination of rows and columns, potentially replacing an existing matrix or table. In contrast, the appendmat command will always append the flexmat file to a new location, resulting in the addition of a new table to the file.

    Here is a typical use of the sub-command appendmat.

      * Specify the flexmat filename using asdocx
      asdocx setfile, save(First_Test)
      * Add contents to the file First_Test
      flexmat addrow, data(Year, Month, Day) r(1)
      flexmat addrow, data(2001, March, 21) r(2)
      * Add notes and title to the table
      flexmat addparts, title(Table: Test Results for Sample A) /// 
      notes(Sample A was tested for contaminants X, Y, and Z.)
      * Create another flexmat file and add contents
      asdocx setfile, save(Second_Test)
      flexmat addrow, data(Make, Model, mpg) r(1)
      flexmat addrow, data(Ford, Explorer, 15) r(2)
      * Add notes and title to the table
      flexmat addparts, title(Table: Test Results for Sample B) /// 
      notes(Sample B was tested for contaminants A, B, and C)
      * Create asdocx file and append the earlier two flexmat files to it
      asdocx, save(REPORT) text(MY REPORT) title replace
      flexmat appendmat, matname(First_Test)
      flexmat appendmat, matname(Second_Test)
      * Export the asdocx file to MS Word
      asdocx export

    * Note on file names
    The setfile option of ‘asdocx’ causes ‘flexmat’ to store its files in the _asdoc folder, located in the user’s current directory. This folder is hidden by default to avoid visual clutter and accidental deletion. In the examples given, the files First_Test and Second_Test are stored as First_Test.flexmat and Second_Test.flexmat, respectively, in the hidden directory. Users do not need to specify the folder path or the extension, as flexmat automatically retrieves files from the hidden the directory and adds the .flexmat extension.

    When users are confident that they no longer need to store the asdocx’s working files, they can use:

    asdocx clear

    This will delete all raw files in the “_asdoc” folder.

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 53

    Fantastic. Thanks so much for the detailed and quick reply!

    – Kevin

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 53

    The changes to the help file makes a huge difference. Tested and works GREAT! Seriously, thank you.

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 53

    I think I found a bug:

    The addparts, title() function used in previous flexmat commands/files doesn’t seem to carry over to appended tables when using the `appendmat’ function. The table title is replaced with “Table: Results”

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    Thank you for your valuable feedback. You can view your contribution in the flexmat help file, as I have incorporated your example into the appendmat section. In the next update, I will also include your name in the acknowledgement section.

    I had originally planned to add titles and notes when using the appendmat subcommand at a later time, but your message has provided me with renewed motivation and I will try to find the time to work on it soon.”

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    I took some time today to update flexmat. The addparts sub-command now accurately adds notes and titles to the tables that are appended using the appendmat command. I have updated the provided example to reflect these changes.

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 53

    Dr. Shah — THANK YOU! And the acknowledgement is so kind. Really though, you deserve all the credit with this great program!

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 53

    EDIT: Fixed! I was separating the addparts, notes and addparts, title into two commands. Putting both under the same flexmat addparts command fixed it.

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