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  • Keiji Muramatsu
    Post count: 1

    Hi Dr. Shah,

    I am trying the following commands:

    bysort A: asdocx tab X Y if Z == 1, chi2 col

    In this case, only the first table is output. In other words, if A is 1,2,3, only the result for A=1 will be output; the same is true for Stata’s result display window.
    If there is no if statement, it works fine.
    In my opinion, the combination of bysort and if is causing the error.

    I was going to post this on the forum, but I don’t know my account, so I contacted you here.

    We would appreciate your response.


    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 53

    Hi Dr. Shah — this is true for me too, but when using list and tabdisp. Any help would be appreciated!

    – Kevin

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    I have fixed the issue reported by Keiji Muramatsu. This will hopefully also fix the other issues reported by Kevin. If the update does not solve the other issues, Kevin may like to post an example.

    webuse citytemp2, clear
    gen group=mod(_n, 3)
    asdocx tab region agecat if tempjan >22, by(group) replace
                         Tabulation of region agecat : group = 0
      0 |1                                2            3            4            5 
      1 | Census Region              agecat                                        
      2 |                             19-29        30-34          35+        Total 
      3 |NE                              11           28           12           51 
      4 |N Cntrl                          7           31           10           48 
      5 |South                           46           23           14           83 
      6 |West                            51           25            7           83 
      7 |Total                          115          107           43          265 
                          Tabulation of region agecat : group = 1
      0 |1                                2            3            4            5 
      1 | Census Region              agecat                                        
      2 |                             19-29        30-34          35+        Total 
      3 |NE                              11           27           13           51 
      4 |N Cntrl                          7           30           10           47 
      5 |South                           47           22           15           84 
      6 |West                            51           24            8           83 
      7 |Total                          116          103           46          265 
                          Tabulation of region agecat : group = 2
      0 |1                                2            3            4            5 
      1 | Census Region              agecat                                        
      2 |                             19-29        30-34          35+        Total 
      3 |NE                              10           28           12           50 
      4 |N Cntrl                          7           31           10           48 
      5 |South                           46           23           14           83 
      6 |West                            52           24            8           84 
      7 |Total                          115          106           44          265 
    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 53

    Hi Dr. Shah — I’ve updated asdocx, but I’m still having issues using tabdisp. See example below:

    sysuse bplong.dta
    tabdisp when, c(bp) by(patient) concise


    117       |
       Before |            161
        After |            152
    118       |
       Before |            165
        After |            174
    119       |
       Before |            149
        After |            151

    Using asdocx:

                                     Tabulation of when
      0 |1                                                   2 
      1 |Status                                             bp 
      2 |Before                                            143 
      3 |After                                             153 

    asdocx seems to be collapsing the data or only presenting one observation instead of separating out by PatientID.

    Any ideas?


    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    The algorithm behind tabdisp is quite complex. Initially, I did not intend to include a by() option. However, in response to your request, I have now added this feature. Please note that the output might slightly deviate from what is produced by Stata. This is currently the best achievable result. After updating asdocx, you can try the following example

    asdocx tabdisp when, c(bp) by(sex) concise replace
                                 Tabulation of bp : sex = 1
      0 |1                                                   2 
      1 |Status                                             bp 
      2 |Before                                            143 
      3 |After                                             153 
                               Tabulation of bp : sex = Male
      0 |1                                                   2 
      1 |Status                                             bp 
      2 |Before                                            152 
      3 |After                                             149 
    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 53

    Fantastic! Thank you!

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