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  • Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    Hi Dr. Shah — I’m trying to export a histogram using asdocx and I’m running into some errors:

    asdocx hist score, discrete percent xlabel(0(10)100) ylabel(0(1)15) replace title("Score Distribution") save($Results/ScoreDistribution.docx)

    However, I get the following error:

    variable previous_sheetname undeclared
    variable sheets undeclared
     masterclass_populator():  3499  flexmat_to_excel() not found
                     <istmt>:     -  function returned error [1]

    Any ideas?

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    Dear Kevin
    Thanks for your feedback. The error message indicates that it is caused by the Mata setting being set to matastrict on. I have fixed the issue. You may update asdocx with asdocx_update.

    Kevin Blaine
    Post count: 52

    Thank you!!

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