asdocx: Export from Stata to Word, Excel, LaTeX & HTML Forums asdocx Forum asdocx dec(#) option is not working.

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  • Aduba Joseph
    Post count: 23

    The following code writes output word document with different and often truncated decimal points. Could you kindly fix this error?

     asdocx table d h, c(mean ec sd ec) title(Summary statistics: ec) ///
         fhc(\b) fs(8) format(%9.2f) center dec(6) save(Ibrahim) 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Since you have not shared your dataset, therefore, I was unable to replicate the table you have posted. I am using the auot dataset in the following example to report six decimal points with the table command. As you can see from the output, the decmial points are reported as intended. You might like to share your dataset with me at so that I am able to replicate the error you are referring to.

    sysuse auto
    asdocx table rep78 foreign , c(mean mpg sd mpg) dec(6)
      1 |Rep1978                       Car type                 
      2 |                                                  Domestic         Foreign 
      3 | 1                                                      21               . 
      4 |                                                   4.24264               . 
      5 | 2                                                  19.125               . 
      6 |                                                  3.758324               . 
      7 | 3                                                      19        23.33333 
      8 |                                                  4.085622        2.516612 
      9 | 4                                                18.44445        24.88889 
     10 |                                                  4.585606        2.713137 
     11 | 5                                                      32        26.33333 
     12 |                                                  2.828427        9.367497 
    Isabel Krakoff
    Post count: 13

    I’m running into the same issue. The output of the command correctly uses 3 decimal places when I specify dec(3), but the actual docx that is saved has 5 decimal places.

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