asdocx: Export from Stata to Word, Excel, LaTeX & HTML Forums asdocx Forum asdoc fails to report the p-values and chi-square

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  • Macarena Gonzalez
    Post count: 1

    Dear Prof,

    I have run into a problem using the asdoc command below. Stata report the p-values/chi-square but asdoc fails to report the p-values and chi-square. Please any work around?

    foreach var of varlist wpreccare-lknowledg {
     tab `var' studyarm,col chi
    foreach var of varlist wpreccare-lknowledg {
       asdoc tab `var' studyarm,col chi
      asdoc, text(Chi2 = r(chi2)'  Pr =r(p)' )
    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 80

    This feature was added to asdocx (, see this example

    sysuse nlsw88
    asdocx tab age race, chi replace

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