Export output from Stata ameans command

ameans computes the arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means, with their corresponding confidence intervals, for each variable in varlist or for all the variables in the data if varlist is not specified. gmeans and hmeans are synonyms for ameans. To export the output to MS Word, Excel, HTML, or LaTeX, we need to add asdocx as a prefix to the beginning of the Stata command. See the following example.

 * Load some example data
  webuse systolic, clear
* Add asdocx as a prefix to ameans command
 asdocx ameans systolic drug disease
Table of means
Variable Type Obs Mean [95% conf. interval]
systolic Arithmetic 58 18.879 15.513 22.245
Geometric 54 15.546 12.046 20.064
Harmonic 54 8.104 5.411 16.132
drug Arithmetic 58 2.5 2.195 2.805
Geometric 58 2.201 1.912 2.534
Harmonic 58 1.902 1.655 2.234
disease Arithmetic 58 2.017 1.8 2.235
Geometric 58 1.833 1.625 2.068
Harmonic 58 1.649 1.468 1.882


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