Attaullah Shah
Post count: 80

Dear Theresa L Harm
I have now added oneway to asdocx. Here is a working example. Do not forget to update asdocx before trying the example.

* asdocx_update
* Load example data
webuse apple
* asdocx with oneway
asdocx oneway weight treatment, replace

                               Analysis of variance
  0 |1                                2           3             4           5             6 
  1 |Source                          SS          df            MS           F      Prob > F 
  2 |Between groups            5295.544           3      1765.181      21.457         0.001 
  3 |Within groups              493.592           6        82.265                           
Bartlett's equal-variances test: Chi²(3) =     1.390(3) Prob>Chi² =    0.7079