Order asdocx
How to place an order?
To order asdocx, please follow these steps:
Make the payment either using PayPal or bank transfer (for bank transfer, click here )
Install aslic
program by copying the following two lines in Stata and pressing enter. For generating a custom license, we need information about your operating system. aslic
generates the required information on the Stata screen.
net install aslic, from(http://fintechprofessor.com) aslic
Send that information to us using the ‘Contact Form’ located on the right side of this screen.
That’s it. Wait for 12 hours. We will add a custom license for your PC/Mac/Unix system and then you can install asdocx from our site. Happy asdocxing!
Bank transfer options
If you have a WISE account, you can send payment to my account attashah15@hotmail.com
Yearly license: 14.99 GBP
Life-time license: 59.99 GBP